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BD & Marketing Ast Manager PT. Delima Pandu Berjaya Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta)IDR 5,000,000 - 7,000,000
Membangun hubungan dengan klien dari perusahaan atau instansi pemerintah Menghasilka prospek melalui sumber kreatif dan menargetkan calon klien baru Mengembangkan rencana prospek jangka panjang dan jangka pendek. Mengatur pertemuan dengan instansi atau klien baru guna mendapatkan kerja sama bisnis baru.
/ BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTabout 6 years ago
Sales SPV PT. Cheetham Garam Indonesia Jakarta (Jakarta)
Responsible and accountable for supervising a team, ensuring the correct service levels, distribution Responsible and accountable for ordering the correct volume of product to service the distributors/outlets under his supervision to the agreed company standards. Responsible and accountable for wastage control for all routes and distributors/ outlets under his/her supervision. Responsible and accountable for the implementation and management of company strategies and plans in the area under his/her supervision. Responsible and accountable for the leadership, training and coaching of personnel under his /her direct supervision. Principal Responsibilities: Ensure all sales routes under his/her supervision have up to date route plans. Ensure all customer data integrity is continually updated and correct. Responsible to ensure that outlets under his /her supervision meet the companies Picture of Success’ standards. Review daily the service levels and sales volume and wastage performance by route with each salesman in his team. This should be measured against the salesman’s agreed route plan. Responsible for the achievement of distribution targets under his /her area of supervision. Responsible for monthly report, annual report, forecast, Responsible for the investigation and control of non-compliance to company standards and policies.
/ SUPERVISOR/TEAM LEADabout 6 years ago
Administrasi PT. Javan Indonesia Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)
Wanita, maks. 25 thn, SINGLE (belum menikah) Lulusan SMU/SMK dan sederajat Bertempat tinggal di wilayah JAKARTA BARAT Pengalaman min 1-2 tahun ditempat yg sama Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (Word, Excel), Filling Dapat berbahasa Inggris (lisan & tertulis) Teliti, menyukai detail serta dapat mengatur tugasnya dengan baik dan rapi Bersedia kerja lembur dan dibawah tekanan
Admin Gudang PT. Karya Pratama Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)IDR 3,700,000 - 4,500,000
Melakukan tugas utama sebagai admin gudang
QC Staff PT. Karya Pratama Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)
Melakukan Uji Fungsi,Perawatan Rutin dan troubleshooting atas medical equipment
Admin PT. Tritama Aji Laksana Jakarta (Jakarta)
PROJECT ADMIN (untuk menangani INVOICE) penempatan wilayah JABO dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut : Mampu Mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Terutama Excel dengan rumusnya : IF, Vlookup, Pivot Table) Disukai yang punya pengalaman sebagai Project Admin di perusahaan Telekomunikasi (pengurusan dokumen invoice) minimal 1 Tahun Dapat belajar dan bekerja dengan cepat Berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan Jujur & Teliti
Sales Trainee PT. Sierad Produce, Tbk Jakarta (Jakarta)
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in any economics, enginering, industrial management, or other related) At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in sales operation (any sales position) fresh graduates are welcome Good communication skill, Drive to result, and action oriented Job Scope : Channel Development (Survey, acquisition and activation) Willing to be placed in all round Indonesia
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 6 years ago
Promotor PT. Blue Gas Indonesia Jakarta (Jakarta)
Melakukan aktifitas penjualan produk merek blue gaz dan Vienta Melakukan Presentasi Produk ke konsumen
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 6 years ago
Admin PT. Daya Guna Motor indonesia Jakarta (Jakarta)
Mampu membuat lamporan Teliti dalam administrasi Bisa membuat surat menyurat Melaksanakan tata administration sesuai dengan ketentuan & prosedur yang ditetapkan Good folowup user Work underpressure
Sales PT. Sierad Produce, Tbk Jakarta (Jakarta)
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in any economics, enginering, industrial management, or other related) At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in sales operation (any sales position) fresh graduates are welcome Good communication skill, Drive to result, and action oriented Job Scope : Channel Development (Survey, acquisition and activation) Willing to be placed in all round Indonesia
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 6 years ago