Cari Pekerjaan

Hasil Pencarian

  • Sales Alat Berat PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Do prospect to customer so info regarding customer needs fulfill. Processing unit sales by sending offering letter until delivering unit. Ensure unit sales target achievement that has been decided by company. Coordinating with related division in unit delivering process to customer. Ensuring complaint information from customer is forwarded to related division.


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu
  • Sales Executive PT. PERSOLKELLY Recruitment Indonesia Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Build, grow and serve the customer to achieve established sales targets & management objectives Serve existing account and build new customer data base Promote company’s products & establish new customer & services account by identifying potential customers Conduct client visits, handle the inquiries & quotation with target driven performance Provide periodic sales reports to management


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu
  • Sales Promotion Representative / Officer PT. Suryamas Cipta Sentosa Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Melakukan kunjungan & penjualan produk Stationery (Alat Tulis) kepada toko-toko alat tulis, jasa fotocopy, atau toko buku, dll. Mencari NOO baru & menjaga hubungan baik dgn customer Mencari & dealing event (Lomba gambar/mewarnai, Workshop, Seminar, dll) Merapikan rak display, pemasangan spanduk dan cek stok di toko/distributor Melakukan monitoring dan analisa produk kompetitor, harga produk kompetitor, strategi pemasaran dan pelayanan Menyusun Callplan terkait aktivitas kunjungan ke customer (distributor/ dealer/ reseller toko) Mempersiapkan kebutuhan event (rundown & perlengkapan lainnya) Koordinasi acara agar berjalan sesuai jadwal Melakukan perhitungan cost ratio sebuah acara Bertanggung jawab atas booth selama acara (Display, stok, dll) Bertanggung jawab atas Stok barang acara Melakukan Stock Opname scr berkala Melakukan tugas" lainnya sesuai instruksi


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu
  • Sales Manager PT. Lippo Karawaci, Tbk Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Provide knowledge for customer related to products, availability, and also process buying. Resolve customer complaint regarding service and process buying. Maintain good relationship with customer. Hire and train real estate sales executives Set goals and motivate sales team Build network and implement team-wide sales strategies


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu
  • Admin Sales & Marketing PT. Shabu Shabu House Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
    IDR 4,000,000 - 5,500,000

    JOB DESCRIPTION Sosmed Memahami dan fasih mengunakam sosial media IG, FB, YT dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Mampu mengedit tulisan, copyright, Abobe Ilustrator / photoshop sederhana. Mengerti insight sosmed utk marketing sales purposes. Mampu membuat short video/vlogs utk sosmed akan lebih disukai. 2. Event Memahami proses prosedur printing. (cetak banner, flyer, dll) Pengalaman event organizing akan lebih disukai. Nyaman menjaga booth dan memperkenalkan produk (SPG) dalam event. 3. Admin Bisa Excel / word. Nyaman membuat database dan PPT. Memahami proses prosedur printing. (cetak banner, flyer, dll) 4. Communication Mengerti dan nyaman berbahasa inggris. Bisa bahasa Jepang dan mampu mengunakan software huruf kanji Jepang akan lebih disukai. 5. Personality Attention to detail. On time.


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu
  • Territory Sales PT. XL Axiata, Tbk Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Achieve territory sales targets (revenue, gross adds, reach, availability, visibility) by ensuring effective execution of sales, excellent distribution, dealer/player/RO relationship and trade marketing activities. Attend daily dealer briefings to present the performance, give guidance on what focus to do, assign targets and remind the importance of RMP to canvassers and ensure Canvasser Sale-In target to RO is achieved by daily monitoring in Dealer Dashboard (in the mornings and monitor achievement in the evenings). Ensure strong availability Reload/SP/SP Data/Device Bundling in the market is at certain number of Reload/SP/SP Data/RODE by conducting daily visit to RO/RO Pareto/RODE. Ensure XL visibility (permanent and temporary branding) deployment at retail outlets by doing monitoring in day-to-day basis, visiting RO/RODE and escalating to Promo Lead and BM Dealer when needed. Ensure all updated information related to programs, products, tools, potential area, BTS low utilization and the strategy to attack are delivered to the dealer teams and ensure they are understand and execute as planned. Ensure CVS doing education to RO about our program, product and other regulation that important to RO to know by conducting RO audit periodically. Support Head of sales on confirming the plan location of new roll out BTS as required by Network Planning by ensuring the location is the right place to invest. Strengthen distribution by ensuring higher retention of existing ROs (RO Productivity) through daily visits and driving increase in reach of total and active new RO by approaching Competitor RO, especially on new BTS area or area with less RO. Ensure the network on proper condition by doing daily simple testing and escalating to sales heads and SOM team to resolve any network & billing issues. Following up any complaint from RO related to Dompul, SP, SP Data and Dealer to COR and escalating to HQ and Sales Heads. Maintain good relationship and collaborate with medium and low player, manage their commitment and acquire new players in their territory sales area. Collect data and insight from the market especially on competitor movement by coordinating with Dealer team and inform the result to Sales Heads. Responsible for understanding, implementing the requirements of the occupational safety and health management system and environmental management system in accordance with their respective duties and functions.


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu
  • Sales Store PT. Prima Audio Indonesia Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Bertanggung jawab membantu pelanggan dalam keseluruhan proses pembelian Menjelaskan kegunaan dan manfaat dari produk Merekomendasikan produk berdasarkan kebutuhan pelanggan Menjaga kebersihan barang serta toko Terbiasa bekerja dengan target penjualan


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu
  • Sales Manager PT. Duta Abadi Primantara Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Develop sales forecast, budget, and manpower plans. Supervises and trains distributors and/or sales force to achieve sales targets; Pursue key prospects, negotiate and construct appropriate terms of sales Plan. Direct and monitor the activities of a sales team within a specified area to achieve established sales targets. Oversee sales support activities such as sales administration, customer service, distribution, invoicing, and credit and collections to ensure that customer orders are processed, dispatched, invoiced, and paid accurately and on time. Coach sales representatives on the technical aspects of the organization’s products and services; on marketing campaigns and sales promotions and on sales techniques, procedures, and standards that will help them achieve their sales targets.


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu
  • Medical Representative Dexa Group Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Mempresentasikan Produk Oral, Injeksi, Antibiotik, Obat Generik Berlogo (OGB) kepada dokter/relasi Menciptakan permintaan terhadap produk Mencapai target penjualan Membina serta mempertahankan hubungan baik dengan relasi


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu
  • Sales PT. Multi Mayaka Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
    IDR 3,000,000 - 3,650,000

    Mencari dealer baru Melakukan analisa pasar Meningkatkan penjualan Menjaga kestabilan omset Melakukan perencanaan produk Menyusun strategi penjualan produk Mampu menangani komplain customer Bisa menjaga ketersediaan stok cabang Memiliki sales yang baik untuk approach customers Menjaga hubungan baik dengan customer yang sudah ada Bisa cover dalam kota dan luar kota (siap perjalanan keluar kota) Melakukan penjualan Cleaning Equipment seperti : spray painter, power sprayer, vacum cleaner, floor polisher, blower, dll Chemical seperti : spray anti karat, spray gemuk, spray busa. Elektronik & Car Audio seperti : air cooler, vacum cleaner, speaker, blender, rice cooker, dispenser, microwave, water heater, mesin kopi, head unit, amplifier, speaker, subwoofer, headrest dll


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    sekitar 2 bulan lalu