PT. Abhimata Persada

Company Overview

Didirikan pada tahun 1990, PT. Abhimata Persada ( memiliki kehadiran yang kuat sebagai perusahaan yang memberikan solusi inovatif dan integratif di bidang teknologi informasi yang terdiri dari perangkat lunak, sistem dan konsultasi ke lembaga perbankan / keuangan, badan pemerintah, sektor telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Sebagai anak perusahaan EMTEK Group (, PT Abimanyat Persada berusaha untuk berada di garis depan sektor teknologi informasi domestik Indonesia. Perusahaan ini berbasis di Jakarta, Indonesia

Why join us?

At Abhimata Persada we have a vision of where we want to go. The key to our success is our people, who are highly motivated with a zest for life that is reflected in all they do. Here careers are built solely on merit. Reward and recognition are based on an objective evaluation of the employee's performance, potential, criticality and market value. At Abhimata Persada, freedom inspires ideas and the working environment nurtures excellence. We leverage not only on individual performances but depend extensively upon Teamwork and Group cohesiveness. We seek people who will share our vision and who are committed to making it happen. You must possess an ideal mix of technical and analytical skills, adaptability, willingness to learn and an open mind. A highly professional, open and challenging environment awaits you. You can create value for yourself by creating value for the Organisation.


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IT Helpdesk & Support Operation Manager
PT. Abhimata Persada
IDR 0 - 0
Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta)

Location Jl. Penjernihan 1 No.40, RW.8, Bend. Hilir, Tanahabang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10210
Jakarta Pusat - Jakarta - Indonesia