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Admin PT. Lippo Karawaci, Tbk Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Coordinate the process at the site office and the central office to the communication process can run smoothly Ensuring that payment authorization will be submitted to the customer is accurate and appropriate for customer satisfaction Checking and signing documents relating to the purchase and transfer of rights to the unit so that the next process to run correctly Handle complaints from the buyer to ensure customer satisfaction control the submission of documents to the customer purchasing the unit or to the bank to avoid mistakes Monitor collection for each unit to minimize late payment Creating reports with respect to its function as a basis for management decision making follow up in connection with the purchase of the unit and the Transfer of Rights to be resolved quickly and correctly Coordinate the commission process if there is a problem occurs in order to look for the right solution Coordinate implementation to proceed smoothly AJB
Admin PT. Lippo Karawaci, Tbk Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Coordinate the process at the site office and the central office to the communication process can run smoothly Ensuring that payment authorization will be submitted to the customer is accurate and appropriate for customer satisfaction Checking and signing documents relating to the purchase and transfer of rights to the unit so that the next process to run correctly Handle complaints from the buyer to ensure customer satisfaction control the submission of documents to the customer purchasing the unit or to the bank to avoid mistakes Monitor collection for each unit to minimize late payment Creating reports with respect to its function as a basis for management decision making follow up in connection with the purchase of the unit and the Transfer of Rights to be resolved quickly and correctly Coordinate the commission process if there is a problem occurs in order to look for the right solution Coordinate implementation to proceed smoothly AJB
Admin PT. Lippo Karawaci, Tbk Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Coordinate the process at the site office and the central office to the communication process can run smoothly Ensuring that payment authorization will be submitted to the customer is accurate and appropriate for customer satisfaction Checking and signing documents relating to the purchase and transfer of rights to the unit so that the next process to run correctly Handle complaints from the buyer to ensure customer satisfaction control the submission of documents to the customer purchasing the unit or to the bank to avoid mistakes Monitor collection for each unit to minimize late payment Creating reports with respect to its function as a basis for management decision making follow up in connection with the purchase of the unit and the Transfer of Rights to be resolved quickly and correctly Coordinate the commission process if there is a problem occurs in order to look for the right solution Coordinate implementation to proceed smoothly AJB
Sales PT. Kumala Motor Sejahtera Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Bertanggung Jawab terhadap target penjualan Menghandle dan memonitor sales supervisor Melakukan control terhadap kepuasan konsumen untuk meningkatkan kualitas perbaikan produk Melaporkan dan menganalisa persentase barang yang diperbaiki dibandingkan dengan keseluruhan produk yang ada
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 7 years ago
Sales PT. Saba Indomedika Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Membuat laporan pekerjaan secara berkala Mencapai target penjualan yang telah di tentukan oleh manajemen perusahaan Maintain customer Mengurus tender pemerintah di area kerjanya. Membuat forecast pembelian alat untuk forecast bulan ketiga dan melengkapi dengan dokumen pendukung untuk tindak lanjut forecast di bulan kedua.
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 7 years ago
Admin PT. Indaco Warna Dunia Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Melakukan Serah Terima Faktur dengan Sales / Branch Manager Menerima order dari Sales / Branch Manager maupun langsung dari pihak toko Melakukan proses transaksi di Sistem (mengajukan [credit limit, New Opening Outlet, dll) Menerima setoran collection dasri Sales / Branch Manager Mengajukan Klai, Kas Kecil dan Biaya Khusus Dan lain-lain
Sales PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Memastikan pencapaian target penjualan Memberikan pelayanan dan jasa kepada nasabah sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku dengan selalu berorientasi kepada pelayanan prima (Service Excellence) Mengantisipasi terjadinya komplain dengan selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaik sesuai standar dan prosedur yang berlaku Melengkapi dokumen aplikasi dan yang berkaitan dengan tugas-tugas administrasi
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 7 years ago
Sales Mortgage PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Mencari nasabah untuk menjual produk mortgage Danamon Menjalin hubungan baik dengan pihak-pihak internal / eksternal untuk mencapai target bisnis yang telah ditetapkan Bertanggung jawab atas pemenuhan kapasitas tim sales di bawah koordinasinya dan mengevaluasi performance tim
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 7 years ago
PENGAJAR TWK Yayasan ENS Indonesia Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Tenaga Pengajar TWK
Admin Diana Flat Glass Processing Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)
Merekam dan menjurnal transaksi Penjualan Harian dan opname Kas Kecil Melakukan Transaksi Pembukuan (Kas dan Bank) Monitoring Data Uang yang masuk dan Piutang Monitoring Pembayaran / Pengeluaran Mengerti alur A/R dan A/P