Cari Pekerjaan

Hasil Pencarian

  • Business Development Executive YOU PRIVATE LIMITED Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    Our Business Development Executive will have the following responsibilities: Market Entrance | Built YOUVIT’s sales and distribution operations from scratch in one of our new markets, these include Surabaya, Denpasar, Medan, Bandar Lampung & Makassar. Distribution | Recruit and develop a local distribution partner in order to grow the sales and increase the coverage of both national and local retailers. Retail | Motivate new retailers towards product acceptance and negotiate strong partnerships for the execution of the related Business Agreements. A selection of new channels include Family Mart, Circle K and various local accounts. Product Listing | Plan and coordinate the on-time listing of +16 SKUs during 2019 across sales channels and the related in-store execution of sales activities. Team Building | Built and develop a strong team consisting of promoters and sales representatives to develop the sales performance in the region. Promotion Team | Recruit, train and develop the performance of a sales team consisting of Team Leaders, SPG’s & Merchandisers in support of world-class sales operations. Sales Team | Work closely together with the local distribution partner to develop and improve the performance of a team of sales representatives. Area Development | Manage and develop the sales and distribution operations by leading the regional team to month on month growth. Business Development | Execute upon new initiatives in support of sales and distribution growth across Indonesia. SOPs | Built strong Standard Operating Procedure’s based on your learnings in order to strengthen the efficiency and effectivity of our sales and distribution operations across Indonesia. Channel Expansion| Motivate new sales channels towards product acceptance and negotiate strong partnerships for the execution of the related Business Agreements. A selection of new channels include fitness studio’s, hotels and F&B business. New Projects | Strategize, built and execute projects from scratch in order to increase sales team and channel effectivity and cost efficiency. Operational Engagement | Be ready to jump from plans to action and get your hands dirty. In-store Operations | Ensure channel operations are properly executed. In-field Execution | Have a passion for being in the field and on the move 24/7! Team Work | Be ready to jump in and help out on many other related topics.


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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu
  • Audit PT. Bank Bumi Arta, Tbk Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    Pendidikan S1 Jurusan Akuntansi dengan IPK minimal 2,75 Memiliki pengalaman kerja di operasional bank minimal 2 tahun Menguasai Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang kuat dan logika berpikir yang baik. Memiliki hubungan interpersonal yang baik. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik. Proaktif, kreatif dan berintegritas tinggi.


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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu
  • Admin PT. CJ Logistics Indonesia Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    Controlling inbound/outbound raw material Make a report the stock of items in the warehouse Preparing routine stock opname and stock control Monitoring stock material and finished goods Monitoring stock movement Control & Management Warehouse External Raw Material.


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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu
  • Maintenance W Steak and Grill Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya Diploma, Gelar Sarjana, Gelar Pasca Sarjana Setidaknya memiliki 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang yang sesuai untuk posisi ini. Lebih disukai Supervisor/Koordinator khusus dalam Manufaktur/Operasi Produksi atau setara.


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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu
  • Sales PT. Dipa Pharmalab Intersains Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    Melakukan kunjungan ke Pabrik / Lab / Kampus / User lainnya Membina serta mempertahankan hubungan baik dengan relasi user Melakukan promosi produk kepada User Mencapai target penjualan


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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu
  • Driver PT. GOS Indoraya Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    1. Melakukan pengiriman barang ke Toko Toko 2. Memastikan barang terkirim sesuai dengan jadwal 3. Memastikan barang yang dikirim sesuai baik jumlah maupun lokasi

    / DRIVER

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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu
  • Technical Sales PT. Rich Products Indonesia Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    Solutions Selling: Develop and execute sales plan to achieve sales targets Identifies, prioritises, and executes against accounts/prospects articulated in the sales plans Understand customers’ needs and create value-add product solutions Tailors product mix and solutions to grow account volumes and profitability Uses solution selling to expand product mix and volumes Develop and expand new customers base Assist with product launches Products demonstrations Execute promotional activities to increase sales volume Value-Add Services: Provide technical support and service to customers and outlets Support new outlets opening Participate in trade show as needed Establish and enrich customer experience including the need to build industry relationships Provide regular report on work arrangement, customer information, competitor information and others as required Develop an understanding of the markets and trends to drive sales Continuously learn new sales skills & technology to drive sales performance Adhere to local government requirements/restrictions


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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu
  • Koordinator Alexandria Islamic School Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    Mampu melakukan presentasi Menguasi bidang marketing dan PR Bertanggung jawab penuh atas segala sesuatu yang dilakukan dalam memenuhi tugas sehari-hari. Menjalankan dan melaksakan pekerjaan sesuai dengan SOP yang diberikan. Memberikan database sesuai dengan bukti dan fakta dilapangan dalam melakukan rekruitmen calon siswa/i


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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu
  • Marketing PT. Bank Bumi Arta, Tbk Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    Usia Max 35 tahun Pendidikan S1 semua jurusan, dengan IPK 2,75 Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai marketing dibidang perbankan (Funding-Lending) Penampilan menarik, memiliki kemampuan komunikasi & Interpersonal yang baik Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan ulet Memiliki semangat yang tinggi untuk mencapai target Memiliki Database nasabah Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang kuat dan logika berpikir yang baik. Memiliki hubungan interpersonal yang baik. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik. Memiliki penampilan yang menarik. Proaktif, kreatif dan berintegritas tinggi. Bersedia ditempatkan disemua Kantor Cabang P.T. Bank Bumi Arta Tbk. sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan (untuk Pemimpin Cabang, Bagian Risiko Operasional


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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu
  • Sales Orang Tua Group Bandar Lampung (Lampung)

    Lulusan SMA/SMK/MA dengan nilai Minimal 6,5 Bisa mengendarai kendaraan mobil ( Mobil Granmax ) Memiliki SIM A yang aktif Mampu berkomunikasi dengan aktif Bersedia bekerja dibawah tekanan Usia 18-28 Tahun


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    sekitar 6 tahun lalu