Cari Pekerjaan
Hasil Pencarian
Retail Sales Associate PT. Fajar Gelora Inti Jakarta (Jakarta)
Providing the best recommendations and best service to the customer's needs Maintaining the high quality of service in accordance with company's standards Actively communicating with clients
/ SALES EXECUTIVEsekitar 3 bulan lalu
SALES PT. Top Eskrim Yummy Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta)IDR 5,000,000 - 7,500,000
Membuka dan mengembangkan outlet baru untuk penjualan produk. Mencapai target penjualan Melakukan survei pasar Memberikan laporan harian/mingguan mengenai performa penjualan, jumlah outlet baru, dan kendala yang dihadapi. Melaksanakan Aktivitas Promosi di outlet baru, termasuk pemasangan spanduk, poster, dan promosi lainnya. Memberikan pelatihan dasar tentang produk dan penjualan di outlet baru, serta menyediakan dukungan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul.
/ SALES EXECUTIVEsekitar 3 bulan lalu
Sales Kanvasing Motoris PT. Ultra Prima Abadi Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
Melakukan penawaran, pendistribusian, dan mencari pesanan penjualan produk langsung di Area wilayah sekitar Pabrik Memastikan produk yang di jual sampai ke konsumen dalam kondisi baik dan tepat waktu Mampu melakukan penjelasan dan menjawab pertanyaan konsumen terkait produk yang di tawarkan Mampu mencapai target penjualan secara harian, mingguan dan bulanan Melakukan market riset terkait aktivitas dan perkembangan produk lain di lapangan
/ SALES EXECUTIVEsekitar 3 bulan lalu
Tax Manager Shipper Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta)IDR 20,000,000 - 30,000,000
Providing guidance and strategy to the team Monitoring the team performance and providing coaching and feedback. Deliver a full range of tax services in compliance with laws and regulations within the timeframe Build relationships and interact with clients to provide excellent planning, consulting, and expertise Provide innovative tax planning and review complex income tax returns Identify and mitigate tax risks Coordinate accounting staff and assess their performance Manage tax provision and tax compliance process Improve processes by developing or implementing best practices Manage and coordinate tax audits Maintain tax balances on the general ledger Prepare all tax papers in a regular basis and handle all information data requests Supporting the company by implementing continuous improvement of integrated management system: ISO 9001:2015 (quality management system), ISO 14001:2015 (environmental management system), ISO 45001:2018 (safety management system) Supporting the company by implementing continuous improvement of the information security management system : ISO 27001:2013
/ TAXATIONsekitar 3 bulan lalu
Support Staff PT. Reka Sinergi Pratama Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta)
1. Answering telephone and e-mail in accordance with existing SLAs. 2. Always improve knowledge, the ability to help customers with questions about the product. 3. Serve and/or respond and provide solutions to technical questions from customers. 4. Provide information about products and features. 5. Record, deliver, handle problems and make problem solving reports. 6. Ensure features / products are running as they should from each customer. 7. Analyze problems and provide input on product improvement. 8. Record and report on system errors. 9. Ensure features / products are running well before being released to customers. 10. Carry out a deployment process with the Developer team. 11. Based on the testing carried out, inventory and analyze the report on the problem that occured. 12. Providing training to customers & Providing friendly, fast and efficient services.
/ ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVEsekitar 3 bulan lalu
Team Leader Accounting (Experienced as External Auditor) PT. Anabatic Technologies Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta)
Memonitor dan mengevaluasi proses kerja tim accounting dan jurnal transaksi. Menyusun laporan keuangan perusahaan bulanan dan tahunan (laporan posisi keuangan, laporan laba rugi, laporan perubahan arus kas, laporan ekuitas, dan catatan atas laporan keuangan). Me-review pembayaran dan pelaporan pajak bulanan dan tahunan. Menyusun SPT Badan Tahunan. Mengidentifikasi kelengkapan data-data yang dibutuhkan dalam proses audit oleh External Auditor (Akuntan Publik maupun Auditor Pajak) dan me-review laporan keuangan audit.
Operations Administration PT. City Vision Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta)
Manage pettycash Collect & upload hasil dokumentasi (foto & video) tim dokumentasi & content static Rekapitulasi absensi tim ops per periode Menyiapkan dan mengajukan invoice, payment request (tagihan listrik, token & internet) & CA Menyiapkan pengajuan perpanjangan asuransi & mengarsipkan polis asuransi Maintenance pengajuan internal memo & stock request
/ ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVEsekitar 3 bulan lalu
Finance & Accounting Manager PT Tunas Tuju Asa Jakarta (Jakarta)
Supervise Accounting and Finance Operations Oversee daily accounting operations, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, and payroll Ensure the accuracy and completeness of all accounting records and transactions Manage the month-end and year-end closing processes to ensure timely and accurate reporting Ensure compliance with local accounting standards, tax regulations, and company policies Ensure all transactions and costs are recorded correctly in accordance with applicable accounting standards Create and Analyze Financial Reports & Budgeting (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Report, Cash Flow Report, Other Reports as requested) Planning, directing, organizing, controlling, analyzing, and evaluating workflow of Finance, Accounting and Tax department Responsible for the development of FA digitalization Responsible for reporting to regulators / OJK, and external audits
Accounting Staff Orang Tua Group Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta)
Preparing and reporting financial statement monthly & yearly Tax administration monthly & yearly, tax filling, account payable and costing Maintaining record and filling Maintaining account receivable
Senior Staf Operasional PT. Maju Express Indonesia Jakarta Utara (Jakarta)
Melakukan kontrol in & out inventory Berkoordinasi dengan pihak external mengenai program penjualan Membuat laporan penjualan, stok, AR dan program Melakukan kontrol stok barang rusak dan memastikan semua sudah masuk dalam sistem Melakukan stock opname setiap bulan baik secara online maupun offline Melakukan pengecekan program insentif penjualan & memastikan semua dokumen lengkap sesuai perpajakan yang berlaku Melakuan kontrol retur pembelian dan penjualan
/ ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVEsekitar 3 bulan lalu