Cari Pekerjaan

Hasil Pencarian

  • Sales PT. Central Mega Kencana Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    sales marketing achieve selling target explain product to customer handling customer complain


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu
  • Sales PT. Catur Putraharmonis Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Umur maksimal 35 tahun Minimal SMA atau sederajat Berijazah Teknik Mesin Mempunyai latar belakang sales & marketing Diutamakan berepengalaman di bidang oli / pelumas & spare part Memiliki kendaraan sendiri Dapat berkomunikasi secara baik Berpenampilan baik dan sopan Mampu berkerja dalam team, jujur dan disiplin Mampu mengoperasikan komputer


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu
  • Marketing PT. Transporindo Agung Sejahtera Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Mencari prospek baru Menghitung dan membuat penawaran harga, follow up sampai closing Siap untuk diarahkan, dibina dan mengikuti aturan perusahaan


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu
  • Admin Diana Flat Glass Processing Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Merekam dan menjurnal transaksi Penjualan Harian dan opname Kas Kecil Melakukan Transaksi Pembukuan (Kas dan Bank) Monitoring Data Uang yang masuk dan Piutang Monitoring Pembayaran / Pengeluaran Mengerti alur A/R dan A/P


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu
  • Admin Diana Flat Glass Processing Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Memberikan penerangan / presentasi produk kepada customer yang berkunjung ke kantor / showroom Mengelola order yang diterima dari customer serta melakukan follow up Membuat Quotation, Invoice, dan segala pekerjaan administrasi sesuai dengan order yang diterima dari customer


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu
  • Security PT. Mars Symbioscience Indonesia Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Key Responsibilities: Development and delivery of the site SES strategy that encompasses a clear vision to reach a reduced number of injuries and incidents, and improve environmental performance through continuous improvement to establish a zero loss culture. Provide technical guidance for plant directors, site staff and associates toward development and implementation of site standards of performance in accordance with the MARS, Incorporated Environmental Policy, Corporate Safety Standards and Asset Conservation Manual. Develop site strategies to suite SES Global OGSM. Creating a safety culture by ensuring systems are place, appropriate training is conducted, relevant compliance audits/inspections are completed and proactive programs are initiated. This will develop an environment that will influence correct behaviour of Associates and contractors. Ensure proper adherence to MARS, Incorporated and regulatory SES and asset conservation standards, as well as making certain HSE is properly addressed in engineering projects. Provide SES and asset conservation technical assistance to project engineers as appropriate. Liaison and manage visits with corporate risk control consulting resources, and regulatory inspections. Provide SES advice/counsel to site staff regarding issues (regulatory, corporate policy exposure) which may have an impact on the site. Work with site counterparts and the Regional SES manager to assure clear/consistent understanding of corporate HSE and asset conservation requirements, and transfer of best practice. Manage ongoing training and education sessions for site managers and associates in an effort to improve site safety, open lines of communication, review emerging corporate/regulatory requirements. Manage site audit on compliance with corporate and legislative/regulatory requirements, and measure overall performance against standard. Liaison with all functional areas within the site to assure SES and asset conservation issues are fully understood and executed. Develop site strategies to protect associates, visitors and contractors, the environment and our properties from incidents that adversely affect their welfare or the environment. Ensure sites operate in an environmentally responsible manner through adherence to established standards, transfer of best practice and development of technologies. Assist in the development of source reduction strategies for the site waste management program. Anticipate emerging trends within HSE engineering and people management, and leverage these changes to maximum advantage to the site. Prioritize effectively and communicate the MARS, Incorporated Environmental Policy (with related SES Standard) and the Mars Asset Conservation Manual to site management and associates Is the key person on site to lead investigation and reporting to any SES incident Provide site data related to SES (Safety & Security statistic and Environmental ) for MARS SES Global


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu
  • Sales PT. Everseiko Indonesia Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Laporan kepada Sales Manager Menyerahkan rencana kunjungan pada minggu ke-3 setiap bulan Menyerahkan laporan kunjungan yang tepat setiap hari Melakukan pekerjaan yang efektif sesuai dengan Standard Operating Procedure Terus memantau dan mengontrol kemajuan usaha yang meliputi perencanaan, penjualan, kegiatan pemasaran, teknis, Logistik dan masalah keuangan di daerah Anda masing-masing. Membuat Buku laporan penjualan yang disediakan setiap hari berdasarkan kunjungan ke customer, panggilan sehari-hari dan Laporan penjualan dari dealer


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu
  • Sales PT. Anugrah Argon Medica Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Bertanggung jawab dalam perencanaan, pengontrolan, dan evaluasi seluruh kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan penjualan produk prinsipal, penagihan piutang, pengelolaan bisnis prinsipal di channel (cth: Apotik, Rumah Sakit, Modern Market, Tradisional Market, NKA, MTI & General Trade) yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya.


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu
  • Sales PT. Hospi Medik Indonesia Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Prepare & develop product concept responsible for branding, positioning & launch for the product. Create & implement marketing plan to support brand image & awareness. Build & maintain good relationship with 3rd parties (internal-external) to support brand image & awareness.


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu
  • Admin PT. Laris Manis Utama Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Membuat Surat Jalan,Returan,Input Barang Masuk Membuat laporan penjualan dan Laporan Stock Barang Stock Opname


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    sekitar 7 tahun lalu