PT. Sillo Maritime Perdana

Company Overview

PT. Sillo Maritime Perdana (SMP) was established on the June 1st 1989 as a registered Indonesian National Shipping Company holding all relevant government licenses and permits to trade as such under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. Our principal business lays in ship broking and ship agency services to both domestic and foreign shipping companies wishing to operate in Indonesia for any given length of time. We employ highly competent staff who through high integrity and honesty make sure that the clients business matters are taken care of speedily with minimum fuss and delays. PT Sillo Maritime Perdana’s head office is in Jakarta with three branch offices in the following locations Merak (Banten) Est. 2000 Balikpapan (East Kalimantan) Est. 2002 and Sorong (Irian Jaya)Est. 1999 The branch offices are staffed by competent people who are in tune with the local laws and business practices in each of the three provinces they are located. We have offices in the above areas so that we may provide our clients with the best possible service for the main areas of our business and also to comply with local regulations.

Why join us?

Pada awal berdirinya, Sillo merupakan Marketing Representative dari beberapa perusahaan pelayaran ternama yang beroperasi di Indonesia seperti Tidewater, Gulf Marine, Maersk, Eastern Navigation, Andromeda, dll. Selama 2 dekade masa operasionalnya tersebut, Sillo menjadi perusahaan pelayaran terpercaya dengan reputasi servis yang amat baik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan rekam jejak Sillo yang mencatat hampir seluruh perusahaan minyak dan gas di Indonesia pernah menjadi kliennya.


Company Snapshot




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Medical, Bonus, BPJS, Asuransi


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Finance & Accounting Supervisor
PT. Sillo Maritime Perdana
IDR 0 - 0
Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta)

Location GHJ Suite 5th – 6th Floor Jl. Tanah Abang III No.18 , Petojo Selatan Jakarta Pusat
Jakarta Pusat - Jakarta - Indonesia