PT. Selatan Jaya Makmur

Company Overview

PT Selatan Jaya Makmur adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Distribusi Consumer Goods di area DKI Jakarta, Bogor, dan Depok. PT. Selatan Jaya Makmur (SJM) is the leading Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Distribution Company in Jakarta, Depok and Bogor, with years of experience and extensive portfolio of brands that have trusted us for so many years. Our company is led by a highly experienced and widely respected management team. At the center of the supply chain, we have the unique position to provide a broad range of product lines, logistics capabilities and value-added services. While SJM is not a manufacturer, the company plays a strategic role in getting the products and services from its vendor partners to our customers. Strong. Constant. Reliable. We believe in our employees, as they are the heart of SJM. We strive to build relations based on mutual trust and loyalty. We conquer business challenges as a strong, homogenous team, following a joint vision. For almost 80 years we have been investing our efforts in responding to the needs of our partners throughout the world. We build trust, achieve goals and successes. We know that hard work, creativity and dedication bring results. And our results speak for us.

Why join us?

Kami percaya bahwa karyawan adalah aset berharga kami dan bahwa setiap orang di perusahaan kami adalah pemain kunci dalam membantu perusahaan untuk mencapai puncak kesuksesan. Kami mencari professional yang termotivasi, dinamis, bertanggung jawab dan disiplin bersedia untuk maju dan bergabung dengan kami dan menjadi salah satu tim hebat kami.


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Location Jl. Pangkalan Asem No. 3B, Jakarta Pusat 10520
Jakarta - Jakarta - Indonesia