PT. Sinar Mitra Sepadan Finance
Company Overview
Perseroan, yang berkantor pusat di Wisma Millenia Lt.1 & 2, Jl. MT.Haryono Kav. 16, Jakarta Selatan 12810, didirikan pada tanggal 26 November 2000 dengan nama PT. Sinar Mitra Sepadan Finance (SMS Finance) dan mulai beroperasi pada bulan Juni 2001.
Sejak berdiri sampai dengan tahun 2008, SMS Finance memfokuskan diri untuk memberikan pinjaman berupa Pembiayaan Konsumen khususnya Pembiayaan Mobil Bekas. Mulai awal tahun 2009, SMS Finance semakin melebarkan sayapnya dengan memberikan pinjaman berupa Pembiayaan Sepeda Motor dan Pembiayaan Syariah.
Why join us?
Vision :
To be a Preferred Finance Company by Focusing on Service Excellence
To be stakeholders Preferred Finance Company with Good Perfomance and High Profitabilty
To be Customers Preferred Finance Company with Prompt, Reliable and Technology based Service
To be Banks and Investors Preffered Finance Company through Prudent Growth while Maintaning Impeccable Track Record
To be Business Partners Prefferd Finance Company by Building Relationships based on Mutual Benefit and Mutual Respect
To be Finance Company with Positive Image ini the Eyes of Goverment and General Public through Optimum Contribution and Good Corporate Governance
SMS Finance has always been commited to improve againts mistake and improving its social responsibilty conduct by cooperating in harmony with all parties.
Values :
C : Commitment to Deliver the Optimum Result
H : Honesty in Dealing with Others
O : Opennes and Transparency in Administration and Information
I : Integrity ini Conducting Business
C : Continous Improvement in Overall Perfomances
E : Equal Oppurtunity to Contribute and in Career Advancement
Company Snapshot
monday - friday
Medical, Dental