PT. Tower Bersama Infrastructure, Tbk

Company Overview

PT. Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk adalah perusahaan salah satu dari dua perusahaan menara independen terbesar di Indonesia. Kegiatan usaha utama Perseroan adalah menyewakan tower space pada sites sebagai tempat pemasangan perangkat telekomunikasi milik penyewa untuk transmisi sinyal berdasarkan skema perjanjian sewa jangka panjang melalui Entitas Anak.

Why join us?

Tower Bersama Group is a group of companies providing telecommunication infrastructure services to Indonesian wireless carriers, the Group develops and operates telecommunication supporting infrastructure including tower and in-building systems across Indonesia. Our rapid growth requires the involvement of new team members with the motivation, skill and experience to achieve the company’s objective.


Company Snapshot




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Medical, Miscellaneous allowance, Dental


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Location The Convergence Indonesia 11th Floor Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Jakarta Selatan 12940, Indonesia
Jakarta Selatan - Jakarta - Indonesia