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Copywriter PT. Sentra Media Pariwara Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)
Membuat artikel untuk order klien. Berkomunikasi dengan klien
/ JOURNALIST/WRITERabout 7 years ago
Account Executive PT. Sentra Media Pariwara Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)
Bertemu dengan klien untuk menwarkan produk. Berkomunikasi dengan manager account (after sales service) perihal klien yang sudah tertarik untuk membeli produk dan menyampaikan informasi yang dibutuhkan departemen lain. Membuat laporan mengenai target penjualan. Mampu berkerja dalam tekanan target penjualan. Bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas dan targetnya
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 7 years ago
Finance & Pajak PT. Sentra Media Pariwara Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)
Membuat laporan keuangan dan pajak. Berkomunikasi dengan tim departemen lain sebubungan order klien. Bertanggung jawab terhadap tugasnya
Account (after Sales Service) PT. Sentra Media Pariwara Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)
Membuat media plan dan media konfirmasi untuk order klien. Berkomunikasi dengan klien yang akan atau sudah melakukan order. Menyampaikan informasi order klien dengan departement lain. Membuat laporan pencapaian target tim atau departemen. Bertanggung jawab terhadap tugasnya
Kasir PT. Elang Mas Indoasia Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)
Melayani pembeli dengan ramah dan teliti Menawarkan product Bersedia bekerja di Bazar / Toko se Jabotabek Kerjasama team dengan staff lain mengurus Bazar / Toko Memastikan product tersusun rapi dan menghindari kehilangan
/ CASHIERabout 7 years ago
LOGISTICS PT. Bahari Eka Nusantara Jakarta (Jakarta)
Ensure accuracy of all inventories including preparing daily report, weekly report and monthly report to all principals Interact with third party logistics service providers i/e feeder company, depots, trucking etc etc for any reposition order/ trucking order etc Audit depot cost and documentation for invoice purposes Maintain communication with depot, feeder company etc to ensure proper working order as per principal requirement Review bills and all invoices from vendor before raise to management for payment purposes Assist customers with inquiries in terms of repair / D&D calculation including create calculation as well by daily basis Organize files both manually and electronically i/e email, reporting etc etc Monitor and facilitate repair orders and ensure that depot will do repair container as per principal requirement Assist principals with any inquiries request as quick as possible.
/ LOGISTICSabout 7 years ago
PAS ANALYST PT. Bahari Eka Nusantara Jakarta (Jakarta)
Responsible for the Market Intelligence data sourcing and reporting Working with branch offices and other data sources to collect data for all required port activity and commodity statistics. Reviewing the data for accuracy, clarifying with the data sources to ensure best possible quality and accurate data is being used. Compiling the data into required report formats using excel, powerpoint and word. Analysis of the data reports to track market trends and highlight these trends in the reports, to management and commercial staff. Collect all required information to maintain and update specific port and product “guides” to be reviewed on quarterly basis. Work closely with commercial teams in Indonesia and across Asia to maximise the benefit of the statistics and reports / guides Work closely with Marketing Services dept to update Indonesia related market information to be used on our website. Use the inhouse IT systems to extract data and convert into useful reports for internal and external use
/ ANALYST/CONSULTANTabout 7 years ago
LINER SALES PT. Bahari Eka Nusantara Jakarta (Jakarta)
Promote principals services via telephone (inside sales) and customer visits (outside sales). Be responsible for your own customers and to develop new business Must have regular customer visits as per target set by Sales Manager. Negotiate with shippers for bookings and rates to fulfill principals space allocation. Co-operate with Sales Manager and Sales team for smooth working and job allocation. Assist to prepare market info and reports for market rates and competition activity. Book cargo to match the internal sales targets Maintain all SOP for, Rate Request / Free Time / Credit application, etc. Must have good English to communicate with principals in oral and written
/ MANAGEMENTabout 7 years ago
LINER SALES PT. Bahari Eka Nusantara Jakarta (Jakarta)
Promote principals services via telephone (inside sales) and customer visits (outside sales). Be responsible for your own customers and to develop new business Must have regular customer visits as per target set by Sales Manager. Negotiate with shippers for bookings and rates to fulfill principals space allocation. Co-operate with Sales Manager and Sales team for smooth working and job allocation.
/ MANAGEMENTabout 7 years ago
DOCUMENT EXPORT PT. Bahari Eka Nusantara Jakarta (Jakarta)
Under Graduate and/or university graduate Preferable experience in submitting manifest to custom Honest & willing to work hard Self motivated Computer literate (min. email & excel) Good English communication skill (min. passively) Able to work in a team
/ CLERKabout 7 years ago