PT. Autorent Lancar Sejahtera

Company Overview

PT. Autorent Lancar Sejahtera, otherwise known as Mobirent, was first established in Jakarta in 2002. We pride ourselves on meeting and exceeding your expectations with our fast and reliable services. Thus, “Enjoy Driving"" was invented because we prioritize customers’ needs to be comfortable, as a driver or a passenger, in our safe, comfortable, high quality rental vehicles. All you need to do is to enjoy the ride and let us take care of the vehicle for you. For us to be able to serve such needs at your convenience and in timely manner, we prepare our friendly and experienced customer support staffs who will prepare your maintenance to workshops and repair shops that are ready in more than 30 cities all over Indonesia.

Why join us?

PT Autorent Lancar Sejahtera atau di kenal dengan sebutan Mobirent adalah salah satu perusahaan jasa rental mobil terbesar di Indonesia.


Company Snapshot




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Location Jl. Bojong Raya Blok B No.122 Lingkar Luar Barat Jakarta 11740
Jakarta Utara - Jakarta - Indonesia