PT. Aplikanusa Lintasarta

Company Overview

Koperasi Karyawan PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta (“Kopkarla”) adalah koperasi yang bertujuan untuk mensejahterakan anggota melalui fasilitas berbagai layanan simpan pinjam dan pengembangan usaha dalam berbagai bidang. Jasa pelayanan kami meliputi instalasi, engineering, konstruksi, dan jasa pemeliharaan untuk jaringan Fiber Optic, VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal), dan jaringan nirkabel. Kami menawarkan layanan yang dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Teknisi kami yang berpengalaman, terlatih, dan dilengkapi dengan peralatan yang lengkap dan mutakhir, akan bekerja dengan Anda dari awal proyek hingga selesai, menganalisa kebutuhan Anda, membantu Anda membuat perencanaan strategis, mengoptimalkan biaya, merancang jaringan yang effisien, dan menerapkannya di lapangan dengan hati-hati untuk memastikan bahwa Anda mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari biaya yang Anda keluarkan.

Why join us?

VISION To be the leader in business information and communications solutions in Indonesia. MISSION To make business easier for corporations and individuals through innovative information and communications solutions. Founded in 1988, Lintasarta is one of the most comprehensive and advanced Information and Communication Technology service providers in Indonesia, connecting businesses throughout the length and breadth of the archipelago, bringing data communication, business information services and Internet even to remote areas. Lintasarta has the expertise and experience to take responsibility for part or all of a customers’ information and communications operations, allowing them to concentrate on their core business. We can provide applications or elements as part of a solution or, in collaboration with partners chosen for their expertise and relevance, provide total custom designed ‘turnkey’ solutions in which every element and detail is included. We pride ourselves on our adaptability, flexibility, nimbleness and trustworthiness. Free of bureaucratic obstacles and silo mentalities, we can react swiftly, work efficiently and achieve results fast. We currently serve more than 1,700 corporate clients, connecting more than 19,000 networks, using a sophisticated infrastructure based on the Next Generation Network (NGN) Platform, and backed by local support in more than 44 cities throughout the country.


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Cloud Security
PT. Aplikanusa Lintasarta
IDR 0 - 0
Jakarta (Jakarta)

Location Jl. Lebak Bulus Raya No. 7 Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, Jakarta 12440 – Indonesia
Jakarta Selatan - Jakarta - Indonesia