PT. Talenta Guna Nusantara
Company Overview
PT. Talenta Guna Nusantara (Recruitment Firm) adalah Perusahaan Rekrutmen TGN mengkhususkan diri pada pendeteksian, pendekatan langsung dan perekrutan staf eksekutif & staf yang siap menghadapi karir dinamis baik di perusahaan multinasional maupun lokal yang berkembang di Indonesia. Rekrutmen TGN selain proses seleksi, terutama yang didasarkan pada kemampuan kandidat untuk memimpin karir yang sukses di Indonesia, juga menawarkan keahlian konsultasi yang ditujukan untuk memaksimalkan kinerja mereka dalam mencari peluang baru di negara-negara ini.
Why join us?
We help you avoid the bad risk of making the wrong hiring decision !
TGN Recruitment specializes in detection, direct approach and recruitment of executive & staff that are well prepared to embark on a dynamic career within both multinational and local firms developing in Indonesia.
TGN Recruitment in addition to its selection process, mainly based on the candidates’ ability to lead a successful career in Indonesia, also offers them consulting expertise aimed at maximizing their performance in their search for new opportunities in these countries.
We strive to be a sophisticated and reliable recruitment firm, that can help companies achieve business success; candidates realize career ambitions find meaningful and profitable employment.
We bring to our clients an exceptional sources through searches that feature world-class candidates, industry- leading service, in-depth intelligence, and proprietary technology and communication and proven psychological tools. The result is a consistency of style that still allows for flexibility in meeting the unique needs of our clients. Whether global, regional or local, our approach ensures we meet and exceed our clients’ objectives and expectations.
Company Snapshot
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
monday - friday