PT. Chiki Chika Indonesia

Company Overview

P.T. CHIKI CHIKA INDONESIA perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan Essential Oil untuk Baby, Kids and Mom dengan merek Belli To Baby. Belli To Baby merupakan produk kesehatan yang berjenis obat tradisional yang sudah teruji selama 4 tahun terakhir dan digunakan diberbagai daycare dan spa ternama di Indonesia (Ex: Mom n Jo, Bubble n Me). Belli To Baby sudah memiliki surat ijin dari BPOM di tahun 2014."

Why join us?

You get to wear many hats and learn many skills Employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas, help the company be successful, and share their ideas with top management You will have plenty of opportunity to grow as a pioneer in our industry. Your work is more visible due to less levels to the top, so you get noticed faster


Company Snapshot

Perdagangan Umum



monday - saturday


Incetive and Bonus, Miscellaneous allowance


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Location Jl. Kramat Batu Dalam I No.1, Gandaria Selatan, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12420
Jakarta Selatan - Jakarta - Indonesia