Prepare calculations for Income Tax (PPh) and Value Added Tax (PPN) that need to be paid and reported, and create their reconciliations.
Prepare Nominative Lists (Entertainment and Promotion) for Annual Tax Return purposes.
Prepare the necessary data for Annual Tax Return reporting.
Prepare all data, documents, and reports required by External Audit related to Tax Audits, Transfer Pricing Documents creation, and PBK (Bookkeeping Transfer) processes.
Understand the latest tax regulations related to the Company's business and conduct socialization to relevant users/parties.
Minimum education of a Bachelor's degree in Accounting & Tax
Minimum of 1 (one) year of work experience in Accounting and Taxation in an Insurance company (preferred).
Holding Brevet A and B certifications.
- Umur -
- Min GPA -
- Min. Qualification S1/D4
- Min Experience Staff