Cari Pekerjaan

Hasil Pencarian

  • Sales Executive PT. Maspion Group Bandung (Jawa Barat)

    Responsible to sell Maspion products to existing and prospective distributors and clients Promote and sell products using solid argument to existing and prospective distributors and clients Achieve agreed upon sales targets and outcomes by maximize sales periodically Submits orders by referring to price list and product literature Resolves customers complaints by investigating problems, developing solutions, and making recommendation to management Find new potential distributors and clients through business directories and referral Monitors competition by gathering current marketplace information on pricing, products, new products, delivery schedules, merchandising techniques


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    sekitar 2 tahun lalu
  • Area Sales Manager PT. Teknotama Lingkungan Internusa (EcoStar Group) Bandung (Jawa Barat)
    IDR 5,000,000 - 7,000,000

    Mengembangkan rencana/strategi penjualan untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis perusahaan. Mencari customer baru. Menawarkan produk jasa pengolahan limbah industri. Melaksanakan kunjungan ke customer. Membina hubungan baik dengan customer dan relasi bisnis. Mengawasi seluruh aktivitas penjualan sehingga dapat mencapai target penjualan sesuai waktu yang ditentukan. Memimpin dan mengarahkan tim sales agar berjalan sesuai dengan rencana dan strategi penjualan. Melakukan evaluasi kerja sales team dan membuat laporan bulanan secara berkala.


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    sekitar 2 tahun lalu
  • Sales Officer PT. Adira Dinamika Multi Finance, Tbk Bandung (Jawa Barat)
    IDR 4,000,000 - 5,600,000

    Menawarkan produk-produk Adira kepada Existing maupun New Customer. Mendapatkan order dari Channel Distribution. Melakukan initial data, memverifikasi dan melengkapi dokumen nasabah dan aplikasi kredit. Memantau kabar aplikasi dan menginformasikan keputusan kredit kepada Dealer dan Customer. Menginformasikan tanggal jatuh tempo, lokasi pembayaran dan hal-hal lain yang perlu diketahui konsumen.


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    sekitar 2 tahun lalu
  • Sales Supervisor PT. Lynea Primisima Bandung (Jawa Barat)

    Mengatur kunjungan untuk tim setiap bulan Memastikan cabang dan tim masuk target setiap bulan Memonitor pencapaian sales tim ( SPR , SPG ) Memastikan program promosi berjalan dan mendapatkan hasil maksimal Berkoordinasi dengan distributor untuk implementasi program stock dan penjualan Membuat forecast dan realisasi stock bersama distributor Memonitor dan menyampaikan laporan mengenai Informasi pasar dan aktifitas kompetitor Menjaga hubungan baik dengan outlet dan distributor Menyampaikan laporan penjualan harian, mingguan dan bulanan


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    sekitar 2 tahun lalu
  • Sales Distribusi Supervisor CV. Setia Agung Pratama Bandung (Jawa Barat)
    IDR 4,600,000 - 6,500,000

    Memberikan arahan kepada tim dalam rangka peningkatan penjualan produk Monitoring pencapaian target penjualan tim Selalu memotivasi tim sehingga goals / tujuan bisa tercapai Memberikan informasi produk baik yang sudah ada maupun produk baru kepada konsumen Menjaga hubungan baik dan menangani keluhan konsumen Memastikan marketing tools sudah mendukung kegiatan penjualan Membuat laporan harian, summary pencapaian tim


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    sekitar 2 tahun lalu
  • Sales Executive PT. Baria Bulk Terminal Bandung (Jawa Barat)

    • Conduct sales activities and responsible of selling company products on B2B channel • Develop new markets and new customer for product sales in region • Establish a good relationship with existing customers or new potential customer • Make a report and evaluation of the results of the follow-up and also the visit the customer • Coordinate with other department related with sales activities to ensure customer satisfaction


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    sekitar 2 tahun lalu
  • Account Executive PT. Etos Indonusa Bekasi (Jawa Barat)

    Realisasi target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan Realisasi target pelanggan yang telah ditetapkan Menjaga komunikasi yang baik dengan pelanggan Service excellent kepada pelanggan Mampu melakukan ekspansi pasar Kemapuan presentasi yang baik Membuat laporan mingguan dan bulanan


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    sekitar 2 tahun lalu
  • Sales Staff PT. Ichikoh Indonesia Bekasi (Jawa Barat)
    IDR 7,000,000 - 8,500,000

    Develops sales and marketing plan Obey government law, customer general purchase agreement and customer guideline. Follow direction of Manager. Visit customer with Manager to keep in touch with the customer basically. Make quotation based on standard price table by customer and check profitability based on EGM. Not able to reply price without any approval from Sales Manager and Sales GM Closely communicate with the customer and get effective information. Get market trend and customer production information for Business planning. Main task is to increase turnover, improve profitability and expand our market share Customer New RFQ handling as a project PTM, support project progress as a customer window in conjunction with Project manager. Supports functional areas (engineering, quality, logistic and etc.) Coordinates customer response activities with the related functional members. Provides all necessary information to the all functional members. Maintains complete confidentiality of all documents, drawings, development plans, etc. of ICHIKOH , Customers and Suppliers. Supports customer negotiations Resolves customer conflicts with ICHIKOH policies / programs Develops appropriate sales terms and contracts Customer periodic price adjustment making and negotiation, AFSP (Application for Selling Price) making and submission for internal approval, input on customer system (HPM Web ID, ADM OCIS, Nissan GTOP) and input on Ichikoh EXACT system. Budget and MTP making and analysis. Customer Satisfaction Index Survey (CCSI Survey) release to customer, gathering customer’s feedback, summary and sharing to internal PTII. Customer’s Service Parts Document feedback for SUD (Service Units Determination) and SPN (Service Part Notice) and follow up to another Department for SPPS (Packaging Standard) and SPIS (Inspection Standard) and submit to customer. Attending customer Getsudo meeting. Keep quick response and bad news first in mind.


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    sekitar 2 tahun lalu
  • Medical Representative PT. Pyridam Farma, Tbk Bandung (Jawa Barat)

    Visits to doctors, hospitals and pharmacies Promoting and selling product Maintain a good relationship with the doctor Expanding sales network


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    sekitar 2 tahun lalu
  • Operator CNC PT. Paragon Spesial Metal Bekasi (Jawa Barat)


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