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  • Operator PT. Mars Symbioscience Indonesia Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Primary focus is to provide daily hands of micronizer - winnower Operator will be responsible and accountable for the overall performance of micronizer-winnower Treatment, Control and Performance process to support liquor line. These responsibilities are the efficient and safe operation of all equipment and systems within the process, to produce quality product as defined by company specifications and government regulations, while maintaining good GMP’s and Visual Work Place practices, safety and HACCP. The role functions as an owner of an area that is directly responsible for the efficient bean processes of quality products in the required quantities. And must ensure efficiency, operational conformance, product quality and continuous improvement. Bean cleaning Operator must have the skill set to train and/or perform the tasks of other associates in the area as needed. Operator will also perform servicing, modifying, and troubleshooting of bean cleaning treating process. Accomplishment of this will be done through work performed during production hours and scheduled downtime hours. Following Mars Standards. Operate and Monitors on a continuous basis the overall quality of roasting and winnowing in process, to assure compliance with all company specifications and government regulations and immediately reacts to correct an “out-of-spec “condition. Establish operation schedule to maintain sufficient treated cocoa beans and nibs for alkalizing and roasting processes. Produces quality Nibs by adhering to all GMP’s and HACCP’s. Operates all equipment’s and systems within the micronizer and winnower treatment process in a safe and efficient manner. Understands and follows all standard operating procedures and process documentation. Initiates ideas to improve operation. Monitors on a continuous basis the overall operation including product quality going to Nibs (SIN/NIS) and Shells, overall waste and rework being generated, etc., and work with Senior Shift Technician, Quality Assurance and Technical Service to correct operational or product deficiencies and adjusts through-puts or formulations to maximise overall performance. Provide manufacturing and support with optimum performance levels by making necessary improvements and process inspections. Troubleshoots and provides corrective actions on site for operational related problems. Initiate legible and meaningful work requests to troubleshoot micronizer-winnower area equipment. Documents operational and quality information including area downtime, process efficiencies, waste, and process in line analysis etc. in compliance with SOP’s. Co-ordinates and executes efforts to maintain the overall appearance in a clean, organised, professional looking manner in compliance with Visual Work Place standards Maintain clean work environment including 5S adherence and follow through to ensure completion of action plans to address sources of contamination Participates effectively in all products activities establishing and maintaining good communications and working relationships with associates both within and outside the team. Completes all required safety audits and inspections in the liquor area. Provide appropriate follow up for micronizer-winnower area Corrective Action Requests (CAR’s). Daily communications for production requirements, meeting shift goals, and ensure activities are focused on Value Added Work. In-depth knowledge of quality systems and all work instructions for micronizer-winnower area. Provide input for improvements to work instructions. Ensure working conditions are Normal and enforce safety requirements. Provide accuracy and on-time record and data performance tracking in micronizer-winnower area


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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator Jahit UD. Hasby Ponorogo (Jawa Timur)

    Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya SMA di bidang apapun. Setidaknya memiliki 1 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang yang sesuai untuk posisi ini. Kemampuan yang harus dimiliki: Menjahit pakaian Lebih disukai Lulusan baru/Pengalaman kerja kurang dari 1 tahun khusus dalam Manufaktur/Operasi Produksi atau setara. Sanggup ditempatkan di Ponorogo. Bagi yang belum berpengalaman akan mengikuti pelatihan jahit Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman.


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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator Forklift PT. Sinta Prima Feedmill Bogor (Jawa Barat)

    Pendidikan minimal SMU/SMK/sederajat Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun Mampu mengoperasikan forklift diesel Memiliki SIO forklift Bersedia untuk bekerja di hari Sabtu/Minggu/libur (sesuai shift) Bersedia penempatan: Cileungsi


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    about 5 years ago
  • Perencana Operasional PT. Securindo Packatama Indonesia Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Membantu Regional Business Manager (RBM) dalam mengkoordinasi dan memimpin pelaksanaan teknis operasional di lokasi parkir yang menjadi tanggungjawabnya. Mulai dari pengembangan dan pembinaan SDM, menjaga hubungan baik dengan pemilik gedung, menangani keluhan yang terjadi di lokasi parkir, serta meningkatkan profitabilitas perusahaan.

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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator Teknik PT. ISS Indonesia Pasuruan (Jawa Timur)

    Dapat membaca gambar Teknik Menguasai Autocad


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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator Teknik PT. ISS Indonesia Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Dapat membaca gambar Teknik Menguasai Autocad


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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator Workshop PT. ISS Indonesia Pasuruan (Jawa Timur)

    Mampu mengoperasikan mesin workshop (Bubut, Milling, Grinding dan Las) Memahami bahan material workshop Memiliki kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur atau tools workshop Mengerti dan mampu membaca gambar teknik

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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator Workshop PT. ISS Indonesia Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Mampu mengoperasikan mesin workshop (Bubut, Milling, Grinding dan Las) Memahami bahan material workshop Memiliki kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur atau tools workshop Mengerti dan mampu membaca gambar teknik

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    about 5 years ago
  • SUPERVISOR PRODUKSI PT. Technomed Asia Bandung (Jawa Barat)

    Mengelola keseluruhan fungsi produksi perusahaan, kebutuhan bahan, peralatan dan sumber daya manusia sehingga seluruh proses produksi dapat berjalan sesuai prosedur secara efektif dan efisien serta mencapai target kualitas dan kuantitas yang ditetapkan perusahaan. Mengidentifikasi kemungkinan melakukan perbaikan proses kerja di setiap lini yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya dengan melakukan root cause analysis pada proses yang dinilai membutuhkan pengembangan. Melakukan pembinaan terhadap anak buah.


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    about 5 years ago
  • Supervisor Produksi PT. Tifico Fiber Indonesia, Tbk Tangerang (Banten)

    1. Mengontrol proses produksi agar mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik 2. Memastikan proses produksi berjalan dengan lancar 3. Memastikan tercapainya target produksi yang sudah ditentukan 4. Menerapkan prinsip-prinsip sistem manajemen mutu dan sistem manajemen K3


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    about 5 years ago