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Driver PT. Artha Permai Kencana Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
Diutamakan memiliki SIM A / B1 dan C Menguasai mesin mobil Mampu dalam hal pengoperasian mobil Paham tentang kondisi jalan Sanggup angkat barang (bila diperlukan)
/ DRIVERabout 7 years ago
Admin PT. Malindo Feedmill, Tbk Gresik (Jawa Timur)
Lulusan S1 all major diutamakan lulusan peternakan Menyukai pekerjaan administrasi dan siap untuk dinas keluar kota Mampu bekerjasama dengan tim, bekerja dengan target dan beradaptasi dengan cepat Menyukai bekerja diindustri peternakan Lokasi Kerja Wringinanom, Gresik
Sales Admin PT. Ultra Delta Maju Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
Check daily transaction Manage petty cash Preparing sales report
Spv Admin PT. Tarunakusuma Purinusa Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
Menyusun Program Kerja di bagian Operasional baik Pusat maupun Cabang Menjalankan & mengembangkan strategi untuk bidang Operasional dan Lingkungan Kerja Mengontrol & mengarahkan program kerja serta penggunaan budget untuk proses operasional Melakukan analisa & evaluasi terhadap strategi serta berjalannya program kerja Menjalin & menjaga hubungan baik dengan tim Operasional serta semua Divisi yang ada di internal Perusahaan Menyajikan laporan-laporan terkait hasil kinerja bagiannya maupun laporan yang bersifat khusus dari Direksi
HR Spv PT. Maspion Group Sidoarjo (Jawa Timur)
Consultant and partner of HR Manager in Labor and Industrial Relation matters Handling labor dispute between employee and company; as a liaison to the Labor Union Establish systems, policy and procedures for labor relations throughout the Company Evaluates current PKB in order to ensure compliance with laws / regulations Communicates, distributes and implement changes to all employees Processes labor disputes/grievances in a proper and timely manner, develop complaint and investigation processes, guidelines, tools and templates Proceed payroll for workers
/ RECRUITMENT/STAFFINGabout 7 years ago
Network Admin PT. Guntner Indonesia Pasuruan (Jawa Timur)
Develop and maintain continuous improvement including network design, management, troubleshooting, backup and restore, network documentation, security, and virus prevention as well as managing users in the company. Provide test of the network for the performance, speed and security. Keep network infrastructure simple and segmented in different sections so that it would be easy to isolate a faulty component of the network. Monitoring and analyze network system and infrastructure to maintain the best network performance. Respond to request for technical assistance related with network and telecommunication issues and advise for next appropriate action to users. Provide internal coaching, mentoring and training to all related users in Company regarding hardware and telecommunication matters, in order to ensure the transfer of IT knowledge to all users.
/ NETWORK/SYSTEM ENGINEERabout 7 years ago
about 7 years ago
Desain Interior PT. Sopanusa Tissue & Packaging Saranasukses Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
* Perempuan * S1 Desain Interior, min. GPA 3,0
/ INTERIOR DESIGNERabout 7 years ago
Civil Staff PT. Sopanusa Tissue & Packaging Saranasukses Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
* Male * S1 Civil Engineering, min GPA 3.0 * Max. 30 years old
/ CIVIL ENGINEERabout 7 years ago
Finance and Accounting PT. Sopanusa Tissue & Packaging Saranasukses Mojokerto (Jawa Timur)
* Female * S1 any major, min. GPA 3.0 * Max. 30 years od